Error Codes & Responses

The Adviser Portals API provides a range of Error Codes and Responses

The Adviser Portals API provides a range of error codes and responses.

Successful requests will return 200 - Ok with the result set. Unsuccessful requests will return an error code. Using these codes and the information below it is usually straightforward to determine what is wrong with a request.

Error Code Description
200 - Ok Sent with response to successful well formed requests
400 - Bad Request Returned when API cannot interpret the request
400 - Bad Request Returned if the API key cannot be validated, or it is not included with the request
404 - Not found    URI requested does not exist or has been moved
416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable Request OK, but filter key and/or value are incorrect for the request
501 - Not Implemented Request method is not part of the API