Palazzo Header Images

Our Palazzo starting point uses a set of high quality imagery within the header, these can be changed.

This guide is specifically for use with the Palazzo starting point.

To add or remove images to your header, log in to your site with the ‘siteadmin’ details received in your ‘Welcome Email’.

Add Images

  1. First, go to our image gallery and Copy the links of each of the images you wish to use
  2. You will need to temporarily paste these somewhere to use later
  3. Once you have selected all of your images and have all of your links, go to your file manager on your site Dashboard > File Manager
  4. Click Upload Multiple
  5. Select Add Remote Files
  6. Paste in the links you copied at step 1 - you can upload a maximum of 5 images at a time
  7. Click Import Files
  8. After a few moments the files will have uploaded, click Continue
  9. You will now see the images you have just uploaded, for each image:
  10. Click the image and select Sets
  11. Select the Header Home option and click Update

Remove Images

  1. Go to your file manager on your site Dashboard > File Manager
  2. You will now see all of your images, for each image:
  3. Locate and Click the image and select Sets
  4. Unselect the Header Home option and click Update

Reorder Images

  1. Go to your file manager on your site Dashboard > File Sets
  2. Click the Header Home set
  3. Select Files in Set
  4. You can then drag and drop in your desired order
  5. Click Save